Letter to the Editor: Ziemer will truly serve the Ridgefield community


As a longtime Ridgefield resident, I have personally witnessed what it looks like when people who promised to “serve the community” have actually only served themselves and their financial interests.  

We have a candidate for Ridgefield City Council who has proven herself quite the opposite.  

Dana Ziemer exemplifies what it looks like to serve others and has done so in a variety of ways in our community, including volunteering in our schools, the PTA and the bond and levy campaigns. She was also co-chair on the Capital Facilities Advisory Group. Dana is everywhere and all the time serving those in need with a “whatever it takes” attitude.  

She also understands the uniqueness of Ridgefield as it seeks to maintain the small town feel among its substantial growth. When you cast your vote for Ridgefield City Council, I highly encourage you to vote for Dana Ziemer.