Are we just subjects of Battle Ground?


My husband constructed two wooden, A-frame sandwich board stands with hardware. They had removable signs. We put them out Thursday morning and brought them in the same day at 4 p.m. We put them out 9:30 a.m. on Friday. We were informed by customers that the city had taken them before we could bring them in at noon, the end of the garage sale. My husband immediately went to Public Works to get them back and was told “you can’t have them as the Battle Ground City Council has told us not to give them back.” We were told that they had thrown them in a dumpster. Like many people in this city, we didn’t know about the city’s sign code. We didn’t want our signs back, we wanted our sandwich boards back. The city should create good community relations with the people. This action by the city is doing just the opposite. We were told the city does sign sweeps on Friday and Monday mornings. Why on Friday? Are you trying to discourage garage sales in this city? Are we considered citizens of this city, or are we your subjects?