Poorer returns for wild salmon are proving something. Now a grand plan is failing. The federal government’s Endangered Species Act plan and hatchery reform are proving to be a fish smothering blanket because wild fish have been overdone.
These two documents are directly miscalculations and dictated nonproductive mental adventures. Forward is held to failure and many salmon are mutts not wild. Fault those who allowed in-river nets that stick us funding fail to fix excuses.
Emerging fish are a blend of genetics molding a new foundation by majority. Brood stocks with hatchery returns that should have been spawning for decades go underutilized due to the Endangered Species Act commandments and hatchery reform. Sensibly it will be mixes of genetics is all that will be here in the end.
We have the majority fish in bed with wild fish uncontrollably. Our rivers biodiversity is offering less. Nature and nonsense restrictions are a killing field so we get selective fish or hatchery reductions filling the graveyard. I have serious doubts about a new biological opinion.
Our representatives have proposed a subsidy for commercial and tribal netters worth $20 million because fishing is so bad. Courts would cost the Feds way more. Nothing has a common sense goal or promise and no one can use outside the box fixes. Goals will come up short for every project.
We must take control with new methods but management built a gateless corral around their own sandbox overcrowded with sorrow. From that box we serve up predator food and stand guard but only watch those critters eat us alive on exploding populations. Nature cannot adjust to our influences while we feed the biggest hogs in the trough.
Our government wanted this control and got it. They have just shifted to high gear but it is in reverse. All the rules, regulations, and restrictions are so sugar coated if fed to a predator maybe they would all become diabetic and die.