Letter to the Editor: Roundabouts safest intersections in world



Regarding Bill Michaels’ opinion published Dec. 18, I disagree and think people should be made aware of the facts.

People using the road make mistakes — speeding, running stop signs and red lights, turning left in front of oncoming traffic — always have and always will. Crashes will always be with us, but they need not result in fatalities or serious injury.

Modern roundabouts are the safest form of intersection in the world — the intersection type with the lowest risk of fatal or serious injury crashes — much more so than comparable signals. Modern roundabouts require a change in speed and alter the geometry of one of the most dangerous parts of the system — intersections. The reduction in speed to about 20 mph and sideswipe geometry means that when a crash does happen at a modern roundabout, you might need a tow truck, but rarely an ambulance. Visit the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety or FEderal Highway Administration (FHWA) for modern roundabout FAQs and safety facts.

The FHWA has been saying for over 20 years that signal intersections have 10 TIMES the fatality risk of modern roundabouts.

Modern roundabouts have been built on highways all around the United States with speeds of 55 mph or more. Highway 14 along the Columbia River is a good example. Lastly, modern roundabouts also have less daily delay than signals.

I approve of my tax dollars being spent to maximize safety on our roads.

Scott Batson
