Letter to the editor: The difference between left and right is stark


Truth is beginning to return to our God loved nation thanks to the Durham investigation into the attempt by FBI and DOJ officials to oust a president. 

It is maddening that this corruption can happen in America. Various leftist radicals took to favored medias in 2016 and enraged a duped audience for three years. They created much of the hate, fear, pessimism and political division we endure today. 

Just like the Mueller investigation, the recently released intel committee transcript shows no collusion between Donald Trump and Russia. 

Rep. Adam Schiff's proclaimed proof of "ample" and "significant" evidence of conspiracy on CNN and MSNBC was all lies. Not a single DOJ official said they knew of any collusion when under oath. Some had told an entirely different story to the sensationalized media, however. 

Supposed journalists from these cable stations hyped the stories even more. None of their stupid opinions proved true. It appears the only conspiracy involves Democrats and their favored media. 

FOX News warned us these media outlets were reporting falsehoods. FOX now enjoys a higher viewership for truth in reporting. Of course, CNN calls them "fake news," but this retort is expected from finger pointers. Leftists hate President Trump because Hillary Clinton was to carry on President Obama’s monarchy, I mean legacy. That included keeping a tight cover on her paid-for dirt, the Steele Dossier, and other deep state secrets used against the president and his acquaintances. That is a lot of cover up. However, the radical left does their best work under cover. 

Adam Schiff loved the basement early in his impeachment ruse. All that planning and conniving on the taxpayers’ dime didn't amount to anything. Joe Biden loves the basement, too. He seems happy down there listening to his “fans” through an open window from time to time. 

Don't you think it strange how CNN and MSNBC says everything the right does is wrong and everything the left does is right? Until this narrative changes, this nation will not heal. 

We are tired of lies told against us to steal our election. Considering the deep state corruption President Trump has had to deal with for four years, he has done a phenomenal job. Does this new self-righteous party of Democrats represent your values today? 

The difference between left and right is stark. Perhaps in November our prayers will be answered again, as they were in 2016. Perhaps, if we stay true to God.