266 results total, viewing 81 - 100
A hoary marmot living in Mount Rainier National Park now calls Northwest Trek Wildlife Park in Eatonville home and made his public debut last week. The young marmot, estimated to be born in spring … more
During chilly, gray winters, people can create a cozy home that appeals to the senses and make an excellent cold-season retreat. For comfort’s sake, Marisa Kaski, designer and owner of … more
Washi ngton State University Extension Cowlitz County Master Gardeners will host master gardener training classes starting in January. “This is a great opportunity to learn more about … more
Naturescaping is inviting the gardening community to join what has become known as the “annual Mason Bee experience.” “Did you know Mason Bees are one of about 4,000 native … more
The Clark Conservation District’s upcoming annual native plant sale gives gardeners the opportunity to purchase high-quality plants native throughout the Pacific Northwest. Customers will … more
Jacob Luiz, of La Center, has been named to the summer 2023 chancellor’s list at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Students receiving a 3.9 grade point average or higher are placed on … more
Battle Ground High School Drama will present “One Stoplight Town,” a play based on the book by Tracy Wells, beginning this week. The drama students will present six showings, … more
The Ridgefield Lions Club will be selling   fresh-cut Christmas trees and accessories beginning Friday, Nov. 24, from the parking lot at the Ridgefield Outdoor Recreation Complex (RORC), located … more
One of the oldest horse breeds in the world, Arabians have been favored companions to riders worldwide since ancient times. The breed captivated Rose City Arabians owners, Joe and Kim Orr, and they … more
Recently, someone asked Doug Dahl, Target Zero manager for the Washington Traffic Safety Commission, a question about needing to use an emergency signal while performing an emergency maneuver on the … more
A scholastic chess competition that started in Centralia last Feb. 4 at the Southwest High School and Middle School Chess Championships is continuing to grow with further tournaments here in Clark … more
Prairie High School Drama announced its upcoming production of Music Theater International’s “Urinetown: The Musical” at the high school, 11311 NE 119th St., Brush Prairie. … more
With fall foliage hitting its peak during the week of Oct. 23, the interactive map by smoky predicts the majority of fall colors will be past their peak for Clark County starting this … more
Local canines dressed in costumes were herded into the Battle Ground Community Center Thursday, Oct. 26, for the city’s second annual Howl-o-ween: Pooch Parade. This year, the city decided on a … more
At the heart of downtown Battle Ground, North County Community Food Bank is abuzz with volunteers five days a week. Packing over 900 food boxes a month, the food bank continues its mission to provide … more
People driving on Northeast 279th Street north of Battle Ground may have come across a towering, triangular-roofed barn overlooking a field. The impressive barn was built in 1913, belonging to … more
The Reflector I Paw’d it Forward will be hosting a haunted maze fundraiser from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 28 at Rusty Barn Estates, 402 SW 20th Ave., in Battle Ground. The … more
The city of Battle Ground is preparing for two holiday light events this season, with registration for a house lighting competition and a lighted parade both opening Nov. 1. From Nov. 1 through … more
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