Certain words simply a recognition of God


Can the government recognize God and not establish a religion?

God is noted in the writing of the Constitution. The words “do ordain” in the definition confer holy orders upon. When you look at the meaning of the words in the Constitution you must look at those words in the context of their meaning in 1787.

In the preamble to the Constitution the words “ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America” (the words “do ordain” were added as extra words because the word “establish” was all that was needed to establish a Constitution), the words “do ordain” were added to confer holy order upon.

In Article III the Supreme Court was established again using the words “do ordain” and “establish.” Again, the words “do ordain” were not necessary. Using the words “do ordain” was not establishing a religion. It was to recognize God.

The word “oath” has a definition of a solemn appeal to God. The word is used three times in the Constitution. The word “oath” is used in conjunction with the word “affirmative.” Again you must look at the meaning of the words in 1787. The word “oath” does not establish a religion, but it does recognize God. The founders did not need to use the word “oath.” “Affirmation” would have worked just fine.

In Article VII the words “in the year of our Lord” were not necessary, the year in numbers would have worked just fine. Using the words “in the year of our Lord” did not establish a religion, but it did recognize God.

In Article 1, Section 7, the word “Sunday” is defined as per our Constitution as “expected, to exclude, leave out.” Even today, Sunday has a religion meaning. It had more meaning in the late 1700s. Excluding Sunday from certain types of work was not added to the Constitution to establish a religion, but it does recognize God.

To use the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance, to put the 10 Commandments in a courthouse, to put a cross on a monument, to name a town with a religious meaning, to have “In God We Trust” in the Clark County Hearing Room, any of these do not establish a religion.

But all of these do recognize God.

Floyd Greenwald
