County planners, manager, and attorneys are venturing outside of their legally prescribed duties as fact-finders


In a breathtaking maneuver Jan. 13, county staff declared the Preferred Alternative Plan, “invalid.”  This brazen move is indicative of the staff’s true colors.  The declaration is a symptom  of something much larger – their anti-growth agenda.  

The die was cast over 21 years ago, and continues to influence policy-making, economic and  cultural issues throughout the rural areas. The Clark County manager failed to curtail the staff’s display of bias.  The public is not alone in thinking the Clark County 2016 Comprehensive Plan update is a mass of confusion.  

Whether you agree with the Preferred Alternative plan or not, the episode displayed Jan. 13 is about staff’s crazy-making tactics, unreliable fact-based data, and overstepping their positions of authority.  The planners, manager, and the county attorneys are venturing outside of their legally prescribed duties as fact-finders. They are directly leading policy.

The planners are moving forward, absent one major detail.  Citizens of Clark County are able to empower the planners, via the legislators.  That legislative authority is strictly reserved for the lawfully elected Clark County Board of Councilors. They build the policies and assumptions the planning staff must work with.  A democratic society functions in this manner to ensure checks and balances.  

This process advances the citizens’ views.  Planning staff conducts meetings on their own, behind closed doors with public contractors.  The process is highly exclusive, secretive, and influential.  An iron curtain is built, preventing the councilors and citizens access to the public contractors.  This action is beyond the constraints of the Open Public Meetings Act.  This means staff has much power.  A select few manage the important business of planning, without public scrutiny.  They work without oversight and accountability to the Citizens.

It is very evident there is runaway executive staff.  Who will remedy this situation?  There is a true division of power between government branches for a reason.  Inaction is not acceptable.  According to the Supreme Court, June 2013:

“The essence of democracy is that the right to make law rests in the people and flows to the government, not the other way around.  Freedom resides first in the people without need of a grant from government.”  A performance audit is needed under the guidance of the county and state auditor.

Clark County Citizens United will sponsor a Town Hall meeting, 7-9 p.m., Fri., Feb. 12, at the Hockinson High School, 15916 NE 182nd Avenue, Brush Prairie. Those who attend will have the opportunity to become informed over the Preferred Alternative and Alternative 4, over coffee and cookies. You can ask questions, meet the new councilors and learn more about the future plans for your land.

Susan Rasmussen

Clark County Citizens United