When a Homeowners Association goes rogue


Where I live in Mount Vista, rogue board members believe they are above the covenants, restrictions (CC&Rs) and unilaterally change them without the voting of homeowners. Several years ago, they wrote a book summarizing the CC&Rs but added a rule giving them authority to fine homeowners.

We, not them, are responsible for lawsuits arising from overzealous enforcement. We are a community that was built in 10 phases and have multiple sets of CC&Rs. In 1990, that board hired a law firm that reviewed these sets and made recommendations. None of the subsequent boards acted on these recommendations.

What we have are a few on the board whose mantra is if you don’t like what we are doing, take us to court. They are trying to use WA 64.38 as basis for their errant actions misreading them to suit what they do. How do you misinterpret language that states unless otherwise provided for in your governing document an association can … not the board?

I am tired of reading the CC&Rs to these so-called leaders and remind them that an election is forthcoming. Homeowners will take back our association and hold them accountable for any financial harm they have done.

Walter V. Pisarczyk
