Why are taxpayers still funding Planned Parenthood?


During Congressional testimony by Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards, she stated charges against Planned Parenthood of body parts sales as “categorically false” and part of a smear campaign.

When asked by committee persons why Richards had previously apologized for Planned Parenthood’s sale of fetal “tissue,” stating publicly that Planned Parenthood only sold “tissue” to defray costs, Richards did not truthfully answer. Further contradiction of Planned Parenthood’s activities are confirmed by former manager, Abby Johnson of Planned Parenthood’s Texas branch. Will Richards be confronted regarding this lie?

Food for thought: Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, was an avowed racist, speaking at KKK rallies. From her Woman, Morality, and Birth Control , published in New York, 1922, “Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race.” From Woman and the New Race, chapter 6, Sanger says, “The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”

It was no coincidence that Sanger’s first Planned Parenthood “clinics” were opened in the poorest non-white neighborhoods. In a nation that hatefully decried Paula Deen’s use of a racial slur decades ago, American taxpayers are still funding Planned Parenthood. Why?

Peter L. Williamson
