Who controls our democracy?


I wrote the attorney general’s office and they told me to contact my legislators. I have written my legislators, but they do not answer. This is true of our Congress: they receive too many letters and cannot reply. It is extremely sad that they can refuse to answer the concerns of the general public.

The lobbyists have this advantage. They can pay our representatives in order to gain their attention over the vote of the people. The average person is not given this advantage by our voted representatives. I believe we the people should have the ear of Congress and the power to disallow corporations to gain their favor. Congress and state legislators should not benefit from lobbyists and corporations. 

When FDR was in office, the president and Congress controlled the country. There were regulations in place that helped control the nation. These balances and controls have been worn away and we now have no protection from large businesses and corporations. The only imperative left is SSI and the powers that be would like to destroy that along with Medicare. America was satisfied and the people felt protected with the FDR administration.

We now have no regulations and look at our unstable system. The elderly and low income are at risk with the increased gentrification and displacement of people in our cities and towns. It is now commonplace to have your rent doubled in one year and all for the profit of building conglomerates. We need regulations to protect the people and their families. Does a true democracy put its citizens at risk while the wealthy line their pockets?