Letter to the Editor: Being forced to publicly declare party on ballot is a violation of privacy


Recently my family received our ballots for our Washington state presidential primary.

I noticed there are only two options: Democratic and Republican. While I find it odd, I know we are a very diverse state. But that is not what bothered me the most. I made my vote, and when I filled the envelope, I was required to mark which party I align myself with. 

I thought ballots were a private matter and not subject to public view? 

I believe this a huge breach of our right to privacy. I wonder how many people are between my mailbox and the county office where “my” vote is counted? 

In the recent past, we had many instances where votes disappeared or votes were counted that came from people that are deceased. I did mark my envelope as “required” and mailed it. I can only hope that everyone in the chain of mail has the same belief that “everyone” has the right to their opinion and not taking advantage of an opportunity to “help” their own cause, which I believe is against the law. 

And we know that “nobody” ever changes the landscape to help their personal preference.