Our democracy weakness via lobbyist-controlled politicians


The people elect their representatives so they may listen to the needs of the common person and take their voices to Congress. 

Many of the representatives that are elected become enemies of democracy by accepting money from lobbyists that are paid to perform for the big corporations. This is not a democracy, this is what I call capitalism.

Why have we allowed our representatives in Congress to accept money from lobbyists? The lobbyists receive money from corporations which allows the corporations to perform as they please. This procedure is undemocratic and it gives corporations more power. 

I believe the media and voters should eliminate the procedure immediately and create an honorable government for all the people. A democracy should promote equality and fairness.

This type of representation has been operating for a number of years and seems to have no opposition from the voting people or our present media. Not only does Congress receive gifts and jobs but they also vote on and set their own salary. We give our Congress good pay, and medical and retirement benefits. Is money more important than representing the concerns of their citizens?

How can we help our democracy? Everyone can vote and speak up for what they believe in. American was a great country when Franklin Delano Roosevelt was our president from 1933 to 1945. He created regulations that helped wage and price controls to operate very successfully. We also need regulations in our society and in our home.

Regulations have been destroyed since Roosevelt’s time and for what reason? I can remember after WWII the number of people that wanted deregulations for more profit and look what has happened. The financial profits have gone to the big corporations and the 1 percent. I would gladly debate this idea with anyone at any time. Capitalism is in full control and we need regulations to gain some ground.

Money was made for the medium of exchange and not for the control of the masses. Now the supply of money is controlled by the few at the containment of the many. Greed and bribery are sad principles of democracy. 

I am surprised that the American people are not more concerned with the direction this country is going.