Area Boy Scouts achieve Eagle Rank Recommendation


Six Boy Scouts from the Fort Vancouver District successfully passed their Eagle Scout Board of Review during the month of May, and have been advanced to the rank of Eagle Scout.

Collectively, these Boy Scouts planned and lead a total of 1,128 hours of community service and provided positive benefits to the organizations they served.

Cole David Smith of Boy Scout Venture Crew 339 led a group of scouts and adult volunteers in painting storm drain labels. Smith, 17, is the son of Lance and Susanne Smith. He was a senior at Columbia River High School and participated in Running Start at Clark College.

Ryan Michael Kotrlik of Boy Scout Venture Crew 14 led a group of scouts and adult volunteers in building a wheelchair accessible swing for the Kiwanis Camp on Mt. Hood. Kotrlik, 18, is the son of Jodie and John Kotrlik. He was a senior at Mountain View High School.

Carter Fredrick Dojan of Boy Scout Troop 320 led a group of scouts and adult volunteers in building a stair closet for the St. John’s Lutheran Church. Dojan, 18, is the son of Fred and Rhonda Dojan. He was a senior at Skyview High School.

Jayden Larry Chatman of Boy Scout Venture Crew 637 led a group of scouts and adult volunteers in painting a USA map for Hazel Dell Elementary School. Chatman, 16, is the son of Jeff and Leah Chatman. He will be a junior at Skyview High School.

Joshua Van Olsen of Boy Scout Troop 310 led a group of scouts and adult volunteers in building a sound system for the Clark County Food Bank. Olsen, 16, is the son of Kristine and Loren Olsen. He will be a junior at Vancouver i-Tech Preparatory School.

Kevin James Zavadlov of Boy Scout Troop 344 led a group of scouts and adult volunteers in making improvements at the Pioneer Grange. Zavadlov, 17, is the son of Pat and Chris Zavadlov. He will be a senior and is home schooled.