Hockinson, CAM and Ridgefield Boy Scouts achieve Eagle Rank


Three North Clark County Boy Scouts from the Fort Vancouver District successfully passed their Eagle Scout Board of Review and have been advanced to the rank of Eagle Scout. 

Collectively, these Boy Scouts planned and led a total of 411 hours of community service and provided positive benefits to the organizations they served.

Kyle Victor Peterson of Boy Scout Troop 344 led a group of scouts and adult volunteers in labeling plants in a new green space and making benches for a gathering place for teaching at Tukes Valley Middle School. Kyle, 17, is the son of Lance and Melissa Peterson. He is a senior at Hockinson High School. He put in 213 hours of community service. 

Luke Douglas Hossler of Boy Scout Troop 358 led a group of scouts and adult volunteers in painting walls and remodeling a closet/sound room for CAM Academy. Luke, 18, is the son of Darrell and Marlo Hossler. He is a senior at CAM High School and in Running Start at Clark College. He put in 101 hours of community service.  

Riley Christopher Abrams of Boy Scout Venture Crew 637 led a group of scouts and adult volunteers in installing smoke and fire detectors at Big Fir Campground, for elderly and low income homes. Riley, 18 is the son of Chris and Melanie Abrams. He is a senior at Ridgefield High School. He put in 97 hours of community service.