Organizations provide tips to keep pets safe during Fourth of July celebrations


As the Fourth of July approaches, people are advised to take proper precautions to prepare their dogs and cats for fireworks, which oftentimes can scare animals.

The American Kennel Club and Furry Friends feline rescue in Vancouver provided some tips to help pets remain calm while people celebrate Independence Day.

“Keep your cat indoors on the day of the fireworks, especially those allowed outside for brief periods of time. Since (the cat) may attempt to slip outside or even bolt in terror because of the flashes and sounds, take extra care when opening and closing all exterior doors,” Nomi Berger, with Furry Friends, stated in a release. “But if the unthinkable happens and (the cat) does escape, for your peace of mind and (their) ultimate safety, have (the cat) microchipped.”

The same logic works when it comes to dogs. On its website, the American Kennel Club said it’s important to keep dogs inside if their owners think they may not react well to fireworks.

If a pet is left at home while fireworks are expected to go off, people are encouraged to take some steps to distract animals from the loud noises. 

“Turn on the TV or play music to create a noise distraction. Choose music (classical is best) that is soothing and play it at a comfortable volume,” Berger stated in the release. “Don’t attempt to drown out the fireworks by upping the volume because it’s not only the sudden, loud bangs that frighten your cat, but the whizzing and whistling sounds accompanying them as well.”

The American Kennel Club said pets should be microchipped and equipped with a collar with the owner’s current information in case they escape.

“In fact, more pets go missing during the July Fourth weekend than any other time of year,” the American Kennel Club stated in an article.

Another effort to help pets, especially dogs, prepare for fireworks is to get them acquainted with the sound of fireworks.

“Try pairing a video of the sounds of fireworks with a treat your dog likes … in a process called counter-conditioning,” an article by the American Kennel Club states.

The American Kennel Club encourages people to consult a veterinarian if their animal suffers from anxiety, or could become anxious because of fireworks. Pet owners can ask about over-the-counter CBD or pet-specific CBD treats to help their animals relax. There are also a variety of calming treats and anxiety vests available. 

Never give your cat any of your own anti-anxiety medications,” Berger said in the article for Furry Friends. “Consult your vet, who may recommend an (over-the-counter) supplement such as Zylkene (it works best if begun several days beforehand) or prescribe an anti-anxiety medication for your fearful feline.”

For more information, go online to to learn more about dogs and fireworks, while more information on cats can be found online at  furry works.