Letter to the editor: Baker will energize, engage Ridgefield school board


The Ridgefield school board has a long history of being very passive. Members have seen their job as rubber-stamping the items the superintendent offers to them. This creates a situation where the board is disengaged, lacks initiative, rarely discusses any issues and is unprepared to offer meaningful response to public comment.

I am voting this November for Amber Baker for director. She will energize the board, engage them, aim to build more community among them and, ultimately, in the overall school community. She has over 10 years leadership experience in community building in the food community. She is eager and able to transfer those skills to the school community. She understands and values consensus — a process of decision-making that seeks wide-spread agreement.

Vote by Nov. 7 and continue to watch the school board. Thank you.

Howard Rubenstein
