Most Dems too ‘amoral’ to govern



Why would a Christian vote for Trump?

Most Democrat politicians are too amoral to safely govern. The rest only enable them.

The Biden/Harris administration and the majority of Democratic politicians support sex-change therapy on children without parental consent. The chemicals and hormones used on children are permanently stunting to natural growth at this stage. Abortion is a Democrat sacrament. California Dems tried pushing legislation allowing aborting babies over two weeks post birth. Virginia Dems supported similar conscienceless satanic behavior. Harris did little to nothing to stop the flow of deadly drugs, illegal immigrants and the thousands of children trafficked over our borders into sex slavery. Thousands of border-breakers from over 140 different nations cross unvetted under B/H admin. Cartels paid off the mortgages of many Arizona Democrat politicians. Not a good sign. High taxes and mummifying amounts of red-tape/regs are strangling our economy. Green billionaires are getting richer off tax-subsidies producing spindly amounts of alternative energy while the B/H admin stalls real energy production such as oil, natural gas and nuclear. President Trump would do the opposite, so I will gladly vote for him and Republicans. Dem rioters busting up (“occupying”) more cities will not change my vote. The White House has been a memory care center long enough. Time to send Dems packing.

Will H. Matson

Battle Ground