I’m writing to express support for the two levies the Ridgefield School District will have on the Feb. 11 ballot.
Proposition 12 is a replacement of the expiring educational programs and operations levy, which runs for three years. It is $0.25 more per $1,000 of valuation than last time ($1.75 per $1,000 assessed value) but it is essential to the operation of the district. Consider: no sports, no drama, no band, no Resource Center if it does not pass.
Proposition 13 is a new way to fund the construction of a new elementary school. People have been saying after every bond failure “make the builders pay.” Well, this time the School Board is listening. They will use $21 million in impact fees paid by builders, $16 million in state funds (assuming the levy passes) and $21 million in levy dollars to build the new school and replace failing roofs on the original Union Ridge and South Ridge school buildings. Your taxes will go up $0.84 per $1,000 assessed value but only for three years. Obviously, we will be paying a lot less in interest compared to a bond.
Please join me in voting yes for propositions 12 and 13.
Bill Baumann
Letters To The Editor
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