Letter to the editor: Trump will solve America’s problems



Thank God a "convicted felon" won the popular and electoral vote for president. We "racist, sexist, fascists" — names from the Democrat party of equity — chose freedom and common sense over DEI intolerance. Donald Trump dodged a bullet, and America dodged a socialist. Democrats and legacy media have put Trump, his family and Republicans through nine years of grief for his pro-America stance. But the woke have learned nothing from the presidential election and now double down with hatred, sickened with "Trump derangement syndrome." Perhaps Dr. Dave Weldon, Trump’s pick for CDC director, can work on a vaccine for this infectious mind-altering disease. 

Viewers of MSNBC, CNN and Ivy League grads are especially susceptible. The good news is MSNBC lost 53% of its audience and CNN 43% just after the election. FOX News saw an uptick in viewership. People simply are tired of the lies. These joyless, woke radicals even wanted boycotts of holiday dinners if a family member voted for Trump. 

For the good of the nation and your party, help these lost soul Democrats. Get back to the center where our government, "we the people," works for all and not just the political elite, biased media or a Biden family that is above the law. Trump has been recognized as the leader of the free world for a couple months now. He is not the "garbage" that Joe Biden has claimed but he has begun cleaning up Joe’s mess. What is wrong with making our nation great anyway? Do you not want law and order, secure borders, a strong military, no new wars, cheaper energy, low inflation, integrity in our justice system and excessive government off our backs? Or perhaps it is common sense you object to? Should females, only, play in women's sports and not have to shower with men? Don't we deserve a media that does not lie or spin the truth to fit their own biases? 

Cheer up, Democrats, and enjoy life. You, too, can have a happy new year just like us "deplorables." May I suggest a trusted news outlet and a good Christian church to get you started? America voted for truth. Where is yours?

Roy Schimelpfenig
