Letter to the editor: Ridgefield district propositions essential for continued success



As residents of Ridgefield, we have the unique opportunity to shape the future of our schools through our vote on Feb. 11. Propositions 12 and 13 are on the ballot, and these measures are crucial for the continued growth and success of our local education system. I urge all voters to support these propositions, as they provide the funding needed to address critical needs in our schools, enhance educational opportunities and ensure our students are prepared for the challenges of tomorrow.

Proposition 12 provides essential funding for critical programs that the state does not fully support. It ensures that special education students receive the specialized instruction they need, while also increasing classroom support staff to provide students and teachers with vital resources. The proposition funds athletics and student clubs like football, basketball, drama and DECA, offering students a well-rounded education. It also supports transportation and supplies, ensuring safe travel and access to learning materials. Finally, Proposition 12 invests in early learning programs, laying a strong educational foundation for our youngest learners and setting them up for future success.

Proposition 13 is a smart investment in our students’ future, funding a third elementary school and upgrading existing buildings to ensure every child receives a strong, supportive start. With $21 million in builder-paid impact fees and $16 million in SCAP funds — available only with community passage of the levy — the proposition minimizes taxpayer impact. Transparent financial planning reflects the district’s commitment to accountability, while thoughtful redesigns based on community feedback prioritize safety, functionality and quality learning environments. By reducing unnecessary extras and maximizing resources, Proposition 13 ensures that Ridgefield’s schools continue to meet the needs of our growing community.

Both propositions represent investments in our children's futures. They are not about expanding administrative costs or adding unnecessary programs, but about directly supporting our students with the tools, facilities and opportunities they need to succeed. In these uncertain times, when many school districts across the state are facing budget shortfalls and declining resources, we must take proactive steps to secure the future of our schools.

The Ridgefield School District is demonstrating its commitment to fiscal responsibility, ensuring that funds are used efficiently and effectively. These propositions have been carefully crafted to address immediate needs while positioning our district for future success. With an expanding student population and growing demands, the time to act is now. The decision we make on Feb. 11 will echo in the classrooms of Ridgefield for years to come.

Voting for propositions 12 and 13 is an investment in our children, our community and the future of Ridgefield. I urge you to vote yes on both propositions and to help ensure that Ridgefield’s schools remain strong, innovative and well-equipped to provide the education our students deserve.

Jackie and Kameron Ferdowsali



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