Letter to the editor: Joe Kent will protect our rights and freedoms


This election we have the choice to select a new Congressional representative for our district. One candidate has served his nation by putting his life on the line for our freedoms. His family has given “the last full measure of devotion” to our nation. This is Joe Kent, the Republican candidate selected by the voters in the 3rd Congressional District. Joe has the courage to face the corruption rotting our Department of Justice and FBI as well as the incompetence of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other federal health agencies. He will oppose the insane spending by Congressional Democrats that has spurred the highest inflation in over 40 years. He will work to close the borders to the millions of illegal immigrants and deadly fentanyl flooding our nation’s southern border. These are not radical positions. 

His opponent, Marie Gluesenkamp Perez on the other hand, says she would have voted for the so-called Inflation Reduction Act that is funding 87,000 additional IRS agents. This is greater than this year’s Marine Corps goal of 33,000 total recruits.

The next time you shop for groceries or fill up your car with gas, which is over $5 a gallon, consider whether we need another big spending Pelosi puppet Democrat in Congress or Joe Kent who will protect our rights and freedoms.

Thomas A. Newman,

La Center