I'm asking on behalf of my children and the other 12,000+ students in the Battle Ground school district for your vote in the upcoming levy.
The current educational and operations levy expires after 2025, and this one would take its place if approved. The estimated rate per $1,000 of assessed value is lower than the rate in the first year of the expiring levy. That levy rate dropped in subsequent years, and with our area continuing to see new development, the rate for this levy may drop as well. With one of the lowest tax rates of any school district in southwest Washington, Battle Ground Public Schools offers an excellent value for homeowners.
The cost of educating students and operating schools has increased. State funding has not
kept up. Adjusted for inflation, the state spends less than in 2018. Yet Battle Ground has demonstrated fiscal responsibility by being careful with taxpayer money. It was one of the few southwest Washington school districts to avoid laying off staff last year. The district tightened its belts. A recent state audit gave Battle Ground high marks for protecting taxpayer funds. And the district’s administrative costs are lower than the state average.
Our communities can’t thrive if we let politics penalize children. Voting against the levy will only lessen support and opportunities for the children in our community. Our children deserve the best.
Vote yes for students!
Marissa Lee
Letters To The Editor
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209 E Main St., Suite 121 Battle Ground, WA 98604