I was very discouraged reading Mr. Braun’s half page editorial in last week’s Reflector. Although Mr. Braun clearly favors the opinions and values of the Republican party, I find it disturbing that he would state that Democrats peddle falsehoods. I would maintain that both parties have been peddling falsehoods in an effort to deceive people and get votes. In addition, Mr. Braun, as a senator you have taken an oath of office to serve all the people in your district, not just the political party you prefer. If this country is ever going to progress, we need to learn to listen to people with whom we may differ and hold an opposing view. A compromise of values in order to make all people feel represented. To put one party over another and disparage the one you don’t agree with only separates us and serves no one justly. It speaks of lack of integrity and honor. People these days cannot trust anyone in government if they are constantly being fed negativity and an “us vs. them” mentality. You, sir, serve everyone in your district and that includes Democrats, immigrants, all races and genders, and not just those you agree with. I would suggest you look around at your constituents, listen to them and try to find common ground. Your time in office will be your legacy. Make a difference in their lives. Create fair legislation that makes people’s lives better, regardless of their — or your — party affiliation. Stand up with honor and integrity, not just perpetuate the ugliness of politics these days. Become a senator we can all respect.
Linda Kliewer
Battle Ground