Letter to the Editor: Tri-Mountain golf course must be saved



I am writing this to our Clark County commissioners regarding the sale of Tri-Mountain golf course:

I was out of town for a month and came back to find out that in your wisdom, you have decided to sell the cherished Tri Mountain golf course in closed door meetings with absolutely no input from the citizens of our dear county. This is unbelievable!!! Tri Mountain golf course is one of the truly wonderful outdoor opportunities in Clark County. When one goes there one sees a full parking lot; as you look out over the course you see kids experiencing the joys of playing golf for the first time in their lives and all aged kids getting lessons or on a school team. All of us who play Tri Mountain enjoy everything about this wonderful facility. The staff at Tri Mountain strive every day to make this the best golf experience they can offer, from checking in, service at the restaurant and the greens keepers who work very hard to keep the course in excellent condition.

It seems that one of the most important fiduciary responsibilities of the commissioners of Clark County is to maintain the quality of livability in our beautiful area. This includes parks and recreation facilities. Once this has been turned into a subdivision, (which by the way, oh boy!), Tri Mountain is gone forever. We all know there will be no golf courses in our future. Tri Mountain is a treasure in our county and must be saved!!! 

I ask, yes, beg you, that you, the Commissioners, reconsider your decision. If you feel that you want to sell Tri Mountain, sell it to a group that will guarantee that they will keep and maintain it as our local and beloved golf course.

If as a citizen of Clark County you wish to see Tri Mountain stay as a golf course, please take the time to write or call the commissioners to express your concerns.

Andy Todd

Battle Ground