Letter to the editor: Voting is a foundational right  of democracy


My neighbor and I met over our driveways a couple of days ago retrieving our Columbians. “Good news and bad,” she said, pointing to a headline. “Bad because of this, and good because Europe will let me in now. I might have to move.”

The headline, of course, related to Mitch McConnell’s blatant admission he was afraid if Republicans didn’t suppress the vote, more Rs would be ousted from Congress. My neighbor was depressed, but I am downright angry. The right to vote is a foundational right of democracy, the majority wins. Interfere with, make it too difficult, or take away the right to vote and democracy dies.

The same individuals want to cover up the invasion of our most sacred hall of governance by a horde of thugs prompted by the then president. They refuse to admit this insurrection is another violation of our democracy.

We are being bullied by a bunch of 3-year-olds.  Unfortunately, those 3-year-olds have the power to carry out their efforts to overthrow our democracy. Unless we all get very angry and demand change. Not violently, but by our strong support for those who fight them, and by doing some fighting ourselves.