Letter to the editor: Mob rule only tears down our country and hurts people 


Have you ever been at a store and watched a child ask their mother for some item in the store, and the mother told their child, no, they couldn’t have it? Then all of a sudden the child begins to flip out by falling on the floor and pounding their feet, and if that doesn’t work they begin jumping up and down as they scream and knock things off of the shelves? 

You probably said to yourself, “Boy, I hope that mother breaks this kid of the habit of reacting like that because when they get older it could really develop into something ugly.” 

Well, I think that’s what we’re seeing today in our current environment. When people don’t like a political decision that’s been made, instead of knocking things off of shelves, you now see mob rioters smashing things and burning buildings and cars. 

Look, whatever side of the aisle you stand on in the recent decision on abortion made by the Supreme Court, this is how our system of government has worked for over 200 years. Mob rule was never put into the constitution for a good reason. 

James Madison wrote that our Constitution requires “sufficient virtue among men for self-government,” otherwise, “nothing less than the chains of despotism (oppressive absolute power and authority exerted by government) can restrain them from destroying and devouring one another.” 

The most discouraging thing I see seems to be that our present representatives in Congress don’t or won’t try to stop this. In fact, they seem to encourage this type of behavior right along with the mainstream media. You cannot tell me that in the history of the Supreme Court, it hasn’t ever made other decisions that citizens didn’t agree with? 

Families that are trying to raise their children to become productive members of American society need to stand up and speak out to these grown spoiled children that have become the mob. I guess they have never learned how to receive the answer of “no.” 

In America, we have peaceful ways to make changes with any decisions we disagree with. Mob rule only tears down our country and hurts more people than it helps. Then again, maybe that’s their objective? God Bless America.

Norman Phillips, 
