Letter to the editor: Judge Zimmerman was a dedicated public employee


I have known Judge Darvin Zimmerman for over 40 years, beginning in 1978 when we were Clark County deputy prosecutors. During this time, I have never observed him to make any sort of racist comment or exhibit any racist tendencies. All that I ever saw in Judge Zimmerman was a dedicated public employee who devoted his life to serving the community both at work and after working hours. Many of us young prosecutors spent our after-hours time blowing off steam like immature children. Darvin spent his evenings either at work, with his family, or engaged in some community project. As a result, Darvin did not have the social relationships that other lawyers did. It is too bad because the lack of those relationships has resulted in false accusations and misunderstandings of his true character.

I was surprised to read the recent accusations brought against Judge Zimmerman by the Washington Judicial Conduct Commission. I watched the video of his after-court discussion with a court employee regarding the shooting of a young Black man in Clark County, upon which the accusations are based. I would suggest that everyone read it. Nothing contained therein can be construed as a racist comment.

It is unfortunate that the reputation of a good man can be destroyed by the hypersensitive world we live in today. All that we really have left when we reach the end is our reputation. We must be careful that we do not destroy what really matters and take care to preserve justice and truth. That is what Judge Zimmerman has done through his entire career.

Curtis Shelton,

Phoenix, Arizona