Letter to the Editor: Johnson does not deserve to get elected



Former Battle Ground Mayor Philip Johnson wants to go to Olympia to pass laws that we all must live by. Based on his record, does he deserve a promotion? Let’s take a look at what to expect.

Higher taxes? Yes. He voted nine times to raise property taxes!

Supports the multi-billion-dollar light rail and tolls boondoggle? Yes. In direct opposition to the will of the citizens who have repeatedly voted no!

Supports government mandates and votes against medical freedom? Yes. With his vote, he has favored the erosion of citizen’s rights and participated in draconian government shutdowns, causing people to permanently lose their businesses.

A mature person that can work with varying ideas and people? No. Johnson uses social media to bully, mock and try to humiliate those who do not support his ideas. Three good people he tried to denigrate have been elected, despite his nefarious and often childish efforts to keep them off the council, to represent the interests of the citizens.

Philip often showed disdain for concerned citizens who attended to express their concerns and give their input. He was a gavel-down councilor.

Haven’t we had our fill of people like Johnson that make promises that their own record shows they won’t keep? That once elected repeat the same policies that hurt, not help Washington’s citizens? Yes, I have.

Vote Ley? Yes. Why? Because John Ley has spent years as a citizen advocate and on his own time and his own dime. His only motive is to represent the will of the people and fight for policies that make life better for all of us. He loves people and only wants the best for us, a true friend of the people.

Anna Miller
