Letter to the editor: Is lying OK sometimes?


Through the years, I wrestled with a certain problem. Do I really know my birthday exactly? Do I know the exact day, the exact month, the exact year?

The reason I say this is because my parents are the ones that fed me this personal information. And to be honest, they have not always been truthful with me, I’m sorry to say.

For instance, it took me a long time to realize that Santa Claus was not real. All those years my parents told me that Santa Claus was real and that he was going to bring my presents if I was a good boy. I believed and trusted them.

I still remember the day when I discovered that Santa Claus was not real. When I accosted my parents with this new information, they simply explained it by saying, "Son, we were trying to make your life better and give you something to hope for." Then they would smile and ask me if I liked my Christmas present.

So, if a lie produces good results, it’s OK?

Whether you’re a Republican or Democrat I’m hoping the majority of people would want a fair and just election. 

The ends never justify the means. The majority of people that watch a movie where somebody wins an event by cheating rarely roots for the cheater, so why do some people seem to not want to do all we can to make sure there was a fair and honest election? Because Democracy is so important to this country, why wouldn’t you want to expose any fraud or cheating if there was any? Many people on both sides of the aisle feel that there was cheating, and nothing was done about it, why on earth would we ever want to vote again? Why should we vote for a rigged election? I’m not saying there was cheating, but there seems to have been much evidence that there was, even if the current media (which has been wrong 90 percent of the time) says there wasn’t. I will take any results in any election as long as it is honest. Will you?