Letter to the editor: Heidi St. John has proven she can’t keep her word


It is time for Heidi St. John to concede.

Joe Kent has already been a relentless soldier of a candidate for Congress, holding countless meetings and town halls to listen to constituents, and it’s not even close to 2022 yet.

Heidi St. John has chosen to grace us with her wisdom mostly from the comfort of her podcast studio.

Joe Kent has earned endorsements from President Trump, Jenna Ellis, General Flynn, and, yes, Representatives Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene, all patriots who have endured relentless smear campaigns from the media (including this publication.)

Joe Kent’s commitment to America-first policy has already proven to be supported by a backbone of steel, unbothered by St. John’s reference to him as a “Johnny-come-lately,” which purposely misleads constituents. Joe spent 20 years serving his country abroad in special forces after growing up in Portland. If anything, his history in Portland and his choice of home as an adult here in Southwest Washington are a testament to his deep understanding of what Portland has become and what needs to be protected here in Southwest Washington.

Joe brings to this the added perspective of a man who has traveled the globe as a special forces operator and deeply understands the role of governments foreign and domestic. His experience and understanding of the complex issues we face locally and nationally are exactly what makes him a once-in-a-lifetime candidate.

Heidi St. John, in comparison, already has proven she can’t keep her word. She originally said she would drop out of the race if Trump endorsed Joe Kent.

Heidi St. John would make a lovely community organizer, but Southwest Washington deserves to have a warrior representing us in Congress as we face unprecedented challenges locally, nationally and globally.

For the good of your community, Heidi, drop out and put your support behind Joe Kent who can actually defeat our current RINO representative.

Jo Porter,

Battle Ground