Letter to the Editor: Government, religion should stay separate



I don’t have a problem with the Ten Commandments. I have a problem with the first three. The first three commandments expect me to worship this one god, and at least one day out of seven tell him what a great guy he is. If he was great when the walls of Jericho fell, then, yes, he was great. But I don’t consider it great when he insisted there be no survivors, a pattern of genocide that continued for generations, called the “curse of destruction.” That’s a lot of humans hacked to death for what amounts to fuzzy reasons.

Was he a great guy? You won’t hear me say it. When it came to humans, the only god that actually cared about us was Yeshua (Jesus). He never killed a human.

There is a wall between government and religion. As an American GI, I recommend we keep it.

Stephen J. Brees

La Center