Letter to the editor: Focus more on facts, less on belief, and stop ranting


As a rant, Mr. McCroskey’s commentary in The Reflector on June 2, 2022,  receives an A+. Focus your anger and fear at the government and its leaders, most likely the leaders of only one political party. Since he once served in local government, I will assume he knows nice people there, and is mainly talking about national government. I wanted to let him know there is more than one party serving in our nation’s government, but he seems to believe that only one is the cause of all of America’s problems. 

He mentions his concern about lies. Does he believe the leaders of this other party, including a former president, do not tell lies? He himself lied when he stated, “to defend Taiwan’s border with China.” Taiwan is an island and has no border with China. Perhaps, we should use the current politically popular term: He was misleading.

A rant also gains one attention, inflames others and probably some applause from members of a certain other party. Does Mr. McCroskey really want to inform or be understood by the rest of us?  If he does, he should focus more on facts, less on belief, and stop ranting.

Darrell Anderson,

Battle Ground