Letter to the editor: Democrats need to look in the mirror


Democrats need to just look in the mirror. Your party is embracing defunding the police, passing disastrous bail reforms, and letting hundreds of rioters, looters and arsonists from last summer go free. That’s causing the crime spike. Your party is tacitly telling them they’ll get away with it. When the majority party decides to adopt a pro-crime stance, mayhem will ensue in the areas this party dominates politically, which would be the cities.

Homelessness is the result of communities being soft on transient behavior of people who refuse to take medications they need to function within society, addicts who desire to live outside of society to continue their addictions and criminals who want to continue their criminal behavior. I am all for helping people get off the streets if they desire, but only throwing more money at the issue will not solve the problem. Allowing illegal camping on public or private lands, and allowing people to trash and contaminate private and public property is simply wrongheaded.

Illegal immigration has exploded with literally millions now having crossed our southern border. Human trafficking, fentanyl and other drug trafficking, using and abusing children as shelters and schemes to make hundreds of millions of dollars by cartels from families who are trying to better their circumstance is horrendous. It is your party that created this mess and trying to blame a past boogeyman is failing miserably.

Americans are looking in the mirror and they do not like what they see in the Democrat Party.