Letter to the Editor: Cortes cannot be trusted to represent 18LD



Adrian Cortes has never publicly apologized for his misuse of homeowner association (HOA) funds. His excuse? Bad advice. The truth is Battle Ground City Councilman Cortes knew better and took the money anyway.

The Reflector accurately reported that Cortes unilaterally emptied the bank account of an HOA, using part for personal benefit! Dishonest, yes, but was he charged? No. The state attorney failed to apply the law, saying using 11% of the funds for himself is OK with him. What if it were you or I? Would they be so kind?

We just cannot trust Adrian Cortes, and there is an honest, common sense alternative: Brad Benton.
Politician Cortes also takes money legally and has a disgraceful record of voting to raise Battle Ground property taxes a whopping six times. And, yes, he “legally” pocketed taxpayers’ money by voting and taking a hefty pay raise for himself.

Cortes knows we are onto his radical tax-and-spend policies, so his only option now is to attack opponent Benton with horrific lies and slanderous innuendo. Brad promises to never vote for a tax increase and to cancel Cortes’ and the Democrat Party’s hopes to implement punitive tolls and billions for a light rail crime corridor that Clark County families would pay for forever.

We just cannot afford Adrian Cortes. Fortunately, voters do have an alternative, logical choice in this state Senate District 18 race: Brad Benton.

Timothy Lyng
