Letter to the editor: An aquatic center provides a resource for all ages


Thank you for covering the city council meeting related to the proposed YMCA partnership with the city of Battle Ground.  I listened to the council meeting and felt your article reflected a very accurate narrative of the discussion.  

When moving to Battle Ground four years ago, one thing I looked for was an aquatic center for lap swimming.  I know there is a private swim school that has supplied the community with some resources and I appreciate the work they have done.  I also was told by people that have lived here for a while that a discussion was had years back when the community center was built with a possibility of an aquatic center then. I was told the reason, at that time, was the mayor had children who were into skateboarding and so the plan for the skate park was chosen instead.  Again, nothing wrong with a skate park. It does supply activity for those who enjoy it, but I would say from what I’ve seen, that it is for a small percent of our community.  

An aquatic center provides a resource for all ages. I drive to the Orchards YMCA or Firstenburg Center and see classes for parents and babies, classes for kids, swim team practices, water aerobics and lap swimming.  Water activities are one of the types of exercises people with disabilities, injuries or mobility issues can do.  It is non-weight bearing and gentle on the joints of the body, while being a good strength building and cardiovascular workout.  I returned back to swimming and water aerobics 20 years ago as arthritis began to prevent me from doing running and other weight bearing fitness activities.

Having a local YMCA would help accommodate others who have to commute an average of 30 minutes to an aquatic center.  Thirteen percent of the members at the Orchards YMCA are Battle Ground residents. I’ve been told the swim teams from Prairie and Battle Ground high schools travel there to use the pool.  There would also be an opportunity to be part of the YMCA’s swim club and take other classes.  

Our community is growing so much that providing this resource would be a draw for people moving here as well as adding income to local businesses as families would be spending their money locally instead of in Vancouver.

Mayor Philip Johnson and two others on the council said that they would need to hear from the community about their willingness to support this project for them to consider moving forward with it.  If you’re desiring an addition of an aquatic center to our community, please contact the mayor at philip.johnson@cityofbg.org.

Ann Croze,

Battle Ground