FBI needs help from the public in identifying October ballot box arsonist


The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) field offices of Portland and Seattle are still seeking information from the public related to the series of dangerous attacks in October at ballot box locations in Vancouver and Portland.

“As law enforcement continues to investigate, we ask you to report unusual behaviors or the presence of materials and tools that could help law enforcement identify the person responsible before they act out again,” a news release by the FBI Portland Division stated. “Specifically, law enforcement is looking for someone who is unusually knowledgeable about explosives or incendiary devices, particularly thermite, and/or has an interest in grinding or welding metal.”

The FBI asks the public for help in identifying the person responsible for creating and placing the devices to ensure that they will not harm themself or others. The thermite devices the suspect has created can cause severe injuries and damage to structures, the FBI stated. To date, no one has been injured by these devices, but they are extremely dangerous and could cause serious injury, the news release added.

Observations to consider between Oct. 8, 2024, and now:

• Did someone brag or show approval or admiration for the person who placed the devices on the ballot boxes?

• Did someone follow the story of these ballot box fires very closely or exhibit an unusual response to the reporting of this story?

• Did someone show increased anxiety about the topic or express fears about being identified as a suspect?

• Did you notice unusual packages or storing of metal shavings or unexplained fire damage to a home or other structure, a field or a wilderness area?

• Did you notice unusual behaviors such as someone researching thermite, grinding metals and obtaining small scraps of metal, including pipe endcaps, nuts and bolts, or welding small projects?

• Did someone you know recently dispose of or stop using a Volvo S-60 sedan?

The FBI is offering a reward of up to $25,000 for information leading to the identification, arrest and conviction of the person responsible for these crimes, the release stated. Anyone can view or download the surveillance video from the Portland incident at, youtube.com/watch?v=mA434o vi2cg.

CrimeStoppers of Oregon is offering an additional, separate reward on behalf of the Portland Police Bureau of up to $2,500.

The ballot box arson incidents occurred on Oct. 8, 2024, between 3:30 a.m. and 4 a.m., when an unknown individual placed an improvised incendiary device on a ballot drop box in Vancouver. Subsequently, on Oct. 28, 2024, between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m., improvised incendiary devices were placed in ballot drop boxes in Vancouver and Portland.

The Portland Police Bureau stated in a previous November news release that the suspect is a Caucasian male; 30 to 40 years of age; with very short hair at the time or balding; thin to medium build; thin face. He is suspected of being highly knowledgeable in both metal fabrication and welding.

The suspect vehicle used is most likely a 2001-04 Volvo S60, more matte in color than a standard shiny finish in places; tan or light gray interior; after-market grill with Volvo emblem missing; dark wheels; unpainted body trim; no front license plate at the time, the Portland Police Bureau stated previously. The FBI added that the vehicle has a sunroof.

Anyone who has information on this suspect or these crimes is asked to call the FBI at 1-800-CALL-FBI, 800-225-5324, or submit information online at tips.fbi.gov. Tips can remain anonymous.