Clark County Fire District 3 invites residents to participate in the district’s upcoming budget process to, in part, share their thoughts on how the revenue generated by the passage of the fire district levy lid lift will be spent.
Voters approved the fire levy lid lift on the Aug. 6 primary election ballot. As a result, Clark County Fire District 3 has many projects ahead, and staff invites the public to take part in the planning.
The first meeting, with a budget presentation, will take place at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 13. The second budget meeting with a hearing is at 6 p.m. Nov. 27. Both sessions take place at Station 31, 17718 NE 159th St. in Brush Prairie.
Fire Chief Scott Sorenson said in a news release he is optimistic about the impact that the fire levy lid lift will have on patient outcomes going forward.
“We are grateful to our residents for prioritizing emergency services that save lives and property,” Sorenson said in the release. “We are accountable to our taxpayers and look forward to sharing improvements as they’re made.”
The levy lid lift will fund the hiring of additional firefighters to create three-person engine companies, the industry best practice for fire districts of their size. Technical training, including swift water, high angles and ropes, will decrease reliance on help from outside agencies, according to the news release. Additionally, the funding will replace a fire engine, ambulance and other equipment that have reached the end of their usable lives.
Clark County Fire District 3 provides fire and life safety services to more than 46,000 people in east Clark County, including the city of Battle Ground. In 2023, 57 full-time and 10 volunteer emergency personnel responded to 5,175 calls. More information on Fire District 3 can be found at