Letter to the editor: Americans will suffer because of president’s ineptitude


As the cases of COVID-19 continue to grow throughout our country and in Clark County, it is imperative we listen to the health experts — the scientists and doctors. 

The coronavirus is testing our morality as Americans. What do we value more — human lives or our economy? This is a challenge for every citizen. 

It is here where it becomes imperative that we, as a country, have strong leadership and a clear message of what is right, what we value, and why we must make the sacrifice as a country. 

Unfortunately, we lack that voice. 

Our president has failed every American, be it his mixed messages and misinformation regarding the virus: “We have it totally under control (Jan. 22).” “We have it very well under control (Jan 30).” “Looks like by April … it miraculously goes away (Feb 10)”. “We’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up (Feb 26).” Claims a vaccine will be available, “very quickly” (Feb. 29). “It’s very mild” (March 4).” “Anyone that wants a test can get a test (March 6).” “I’m not concerned at all (March 7).” Those statements from the president, as well as his reported elimination of the Global Health Security unit and demotion of its pandemic experts, his delayed response in having enough medical equipment available (masks, etc.), his failure in getting tests available to hospitals in a responsive time, and his inability to follow the NSC’s pandemic plan are beyond concerning. 

COVID19 is not a partisan issue — this is an incompetent leader issue. We must face the reality that our president has dishonored America and all of her citizens with his continued lack of leadership, lies, misinformation and mishandling during this time of crisis. 

It is a sad disgrace that Americans must now suffer because of his ineptitude.