Letter to the editor: More on Trump’s ‘business acumen’


In regard to an opinion in the April 15 edition of The Reflector, I think some facts regarding Mr. Trump’s business acumen should be shared. 

Mr. Trump has suffered four bankruptcies in the course of choking the courts with over 3,000 suits brought by, as well as against, him. Businessman might be a stretch. As to the economy, think back to 2007-2008, a time known as the Great Recession. 

Another Republican-caused crisis brought on by “businessmen” raping the American working class. 

Obama put health care in the working class home, saving lives. Mr. Trump stands idly by wasting weeks, probably months, allowing a deadly virus to spread, taking many more lives than if he acted in a responsible manner.

Maybe that’s an unfair comparison, like comparing flu that has vaccines to a coronavirus with no vaccines. Yes, people die all the time, but when people die due to POTUS inaction, that is criminal. 

How would it feel to be one of those victims? Is your life worth voting for a president who values others’ lives? Or are you for Trump/Putin 2020?

I don’t wish that on anyone’s kids, much less mine. 

Get out and vote for our lives.