Information overload


Having more information than at any time in history at our disposal seems to be having a negative impact on our well-being. It seems clear to me; we were never designed to immerse ourselves in 24-hour news cycles, be informed of every horrific event around the world, made apprised of every political maneuvering in D.C., or be confronted with a headline or breaking news alert of trivial offenses, slights or insensitivity. 

I hold the negative aspects are compounded due to the varied personal preferences, opinions, and agendas connected to information that come at us daily; are actively making the world worse and everyone unhappier every day.

If we could but remember despite what we read or hear we have more in common with one another than not. Or you could just say to yourself, “I’m just one of the many varied voices out here pushing a personal agenda.” Which, I guess I am.