Letter to the editor: Stupid is as stupid does


Forrest Gump's "stupid is as stupid does." Forrest's version of the saying means that stupidity is not just a surface thing derived from a person's appearance. Stupidity is a matter of deeds, not looks. It comes down to this: judge people by what they do, not by how they appear.

I think Gov. Jay Inslee is being overly cautious with his four-phase plan. I don't know if you have seen people in a park or playground in the last week or so, but there are more people out with their dogs and their kids than I've seen in the last 10 weeks. I'm disabled and not able to get out and walk or run, but I have to tell you my wife and I were so lifted up by seeing these families having so much fun. They all had smiles on their faces and a giddy up in their steps. All the people were keeping their distance with strangers, but having a great time.

No one can say the COVID-19 is not real, and many have lost their lives because of it, but “ stupid is as stupid does."

The governor needs to have as much common sense as the majority of people I saw having a good time. We have all done our jail time if you will. If all the people continue to use common sense we can get this country back to as close to normal as it once was.

I can't even get an appointment with my Kaiser doctor because of being locked in to phase one? We all have a long economical road to recovery so, the sooner we start the better.

I think most of us can agree trying to cross a busy highway on our hands and knees is pretty stupid, therefore whoever does such a thing is stupid. Let's not be stupid. As Moses said, "let my people go!"

Many Democratic leaders’ response to our emergency has been closing churches and gun stores, keeping abortion clinics open, releasing felons from jail, locking up good citizens, subsidizing illegal aliens, banning potentially lifesaving drugs, funding the Kennedy Center, buying PPE from China, giving themselves a raise, and lastly, investigating Trump again! The people’s answer to this craziness? November!