Local News
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As the crowd began to grow at a quarter to 8 in the morning on Thursday, Aug. 29, the doors to the Costco Wholesale Warehouse in Ridgefield opened to the public for the first time, and a stream of … more
La Center residents may soon have bus service to take them to and from C-Tran connection stops. Last week, at a City Council meeting Wednesday, Aug. 28, La Center Mayor Tom Strobehn announced that … more
Following months of pushback from locals, the Battle Ground City Council will not follow the city Planning Commission’s recommendation to allow higher-density housing near its airfield. … more
The Clark County Council will host a public hearing to consider repealing a mining overlay in Chelatchie, a decision prompted by the loss of millions in state funds due to the county's noncompliance … more
Although the Battle Ground City Council approved a master plan for four city parks last week, residents should not expect any developments soon as officials consider funding options for the projects … more
The Clark County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) relaunched its school resource officer (SRO) program at Prairie High School, with Chelsea Quiggle, former educator turned deputy, set to begin … more
Battle Ground City Councilor Shane Bowman believes apartment complexes lacking in parking are creating a public safety issue when cars “bleed over” into street parking, limiting the width … more
Clark County residents may face higher clean water fees if the county remains in noncompliance with state law, which has resulted in the loss of millions in state grants and loans. The … more
Ridgefield city staff say the new Costco is the first step in transforming Ridgefield into a major employment hub in the north Clark County region. The Costco site is set to open in the newly … more
Republican congressional candidate Joe Kent is “made for the job,” U.S. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, R-Louisiana, said Saturday. “He is a serious person for serious … more
The Clark family in east Clark County has been showing market lambs at the Clark County Fair for a decade. While the siblings are sad to see their lambs go to market for meat, they said they will be … more
The first week of unofficial primary election results show the local propositions to raise the fire district levies for Clark-Cowlitz Fire Rescue (CCFR) and Fire District 3 passed. As of Friday … more
The eligibility of a Woodland City Council member was called into question by Mayor Todd Dinehart last week. During a City Council meeting on Monday, Aug. 5, Dinehart accused Councilor Gabe … more
Clark County Fire District (CCFD) 3 Chief Scott Sorenson has said agency borders do not matter when in need, which was on display on Aug. 6 as CCFD3 with assistance from Clark-Cowlitz Fire Rescue … more
The first day of unofficial primary election results show the local propositions to raise the fire district levies for Clark-Cowlitz Fire Rescue (CCFR) and Fire District 3 are passing overwhelmingly. … more
The Clark County Fair, which drew well over 100,000 visitors last weekend, unveiled a new exhibit that captured the attention of many guests — a collection of historic photos and posters … more
Sunflowers are destined to bloom each weekend providing freshness for all three weeks at the Hockinson Sunflower Festival at O’Keefe Farms. The sound of live music is heard among an easily … more
After last week’s transmission failiure, viewers of the Port of Ridgefield’s Raptor Cam will have to wait until next year to watch ospreys at the Ridgefield Waterfront due to technical … more
With Clark County and area incorporated cities all experiencing a decrease in their crime rates in 2023 as compared with 2022, the Woodland and Battle Ground’s police chiefs discuss crime … more
Dear Valued Supporter, We hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. We write to you today as a cherished supporter of The Reflector, someone who has demonstrated a steadfast … more
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