411 results total, viewing 141 - 160
Editor, Sherry Erickson, a licensed engineer with an MBA, embodies the ideal qualities for public utility commissioner: technical expertise, drive and integrity. With a background in engineering … more
Editor, Former Battle Ground Mayor Philip Johnson wants to go to Olympia to pass laws that we all must live by. Based on his record, does he deserve a promotion? Let’s take a look at what … more
Editor, As the EMS medical director and as a resident of Clark County, I urge our community to support the critical fire and EMS measures on the upcoming ballot. Our emergency services are … more
Editor, When District 3 Fire Chief Scott Peterson asked for levy feedback, I met with him to give mine. I learned that 70% of calls were for medical responses. I figured why do I need the fire … more
Editor, Sherry Erickson checks all the boxes to be our next Clark PUD commissioner. As a retired utility and technology industry executive, I’m certain she alone is qualified to help our … more
Editor, The first time I met Philip Johnson was last February at the Clark County Republican Party caucus. We were there to elect Precinct 607 delegates to the Clark County Convention in March. … more
Editor, Darrell Anderson is incorrect when he states that separation of church and state was established by Jefferson. During Jefferson’s presidency, every official event was marked by … more
Editor, I encourage people to vote for Sherry Erickson for Clark Public Utilities District commissioner. As a builder and local businessperson for the past 61 years, I have seen the benefits our … more
Editor, John Ley is an intuitive man, a man of purpose. He serves people with integrity and compassion. John was a journalist for a local news outlet. He’s a retired pilot, a fierce man of … more
Editor, I support Sherry Erickson for Clark Public Utilities District commissioner. Sherry is very well qualified to represent the customers of Clark Public Utilities. As a commissioner for … more
Editor, In his June 26 letter (Separation of church and state not a lie), Darrell Anderson defends a notion that is not found in our Constitution. The First Amendment specifically states: … more
Editor, I don’t have a problem with the Ten Commandments. I have a problem with the first three. The first three commandments expect me to worship this one god, and at least one day out of … more
Editor, I understand that in today’s political climate it is normal to use partisan political bias and that bashing the opposition in power is the right of the party not in power. However, … more
Editor, I read about Larch closing and am concerned about my fire district’s ability to respond in case of wildland fires. There was a big one a few years ago and more are coming. I live … more
Editor, Well, the Fourth of July has come and gone. Here is my assessment. The guys who like to explode things started early. It started in earnest on Saturday, June 28, with explosions … more
Editor, The City of La Center is set to move forward with the Vineyard Vista subdivision. They plan to build 85 new homes on a 30-acre hilltop property. Homeowners have voiced concerns about (1) … more
Editor, I am a registered Republican who supports Marie Glusenkamp Perez (MGP), a Democrat. Here are the reasons why. She has lived her values. For example, she and her husband, Dean, … more
Editor, To Democrats, liberals, Republicans, conservatives, please hear me. Not since the stroke-addled Woodrow Wilson more than a century ago have we had a president this cognitively disabled. … more
Editor, Let’s hear it for integrity. Recently, many of us saw the presidential debate. We were presented with an opportunity to see each of the contenders for our nation’s highest … more
Editor, I would like to commend the three Battle Ground City Council members who courageously blocked Mayor Troy McCoy’s outrageous “Gay Pride Proclamation” and the many … more
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