Washington receives high marks in NAEP assessments


On Nov. 21, letters were sent to Battle Ground Public Schools from the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction’s (OSPI) National Association of Education Progress (NAEP) state coordinator, thanking Amboy Middle School and Pleasant Valley Primary School for their participation in the 2013 assessments.

Washington state continues to out-perform most other states on these national assessments.

The Battle Ground School District’s selected schools participated in the 2013 fourth and eighth grade reading and math assessments. The district participates in this process every other year and rotates through the school buildings. All scores are used in the state’s assessment and are not released to the specific schools.

“I’m impressed with the movement in scores this year,” said Randy Dorn, state superintendent, in an OSPI news release. “I’m proud of the students who participated in the testing sample. Their scores reflect their hard work and the work of educators across the state.”

The state’s fourth graders made gains this year in reading and math, and the state’s eighth graders made gains in reading while maintaining their math scores.

NAEP is a program of the U.S. Department of Education. Often referred to as “The Nation’s Report Card,” it is the only test in the U.S. that allows comparisons of the performance of students in Washington with performance of students nationally. Assessments are conducted in mathematics, reading, science, writing, the arts, civics, economics, geography and U.S history. Not all students participate in the NAEP. A relatively small sample of students are chosen across the state to participate as a representation of the entire student population.

For more information on NAEP and Washington state’s scores, visit the OSPI website at www.k12.wa.us/assessment/NAEP/default.aspx.