Should you trust Hillary Clinton?


With a resounding "I'm back," Hillary Clinton announces her candidacy for president.

Clinton traveled to Iowa in a van with just the requisite security personnel and a campaign person or two. This carefully crafted image is intended to identify with ever-dwindling middle class folks by asserting that she is one of them and will be the savior of the middle class. Cautiously side-stepped are the issues of her experience and history.

Begin with her failure of the Washington bar, employment with Rose Law Firm because her husband was Lt. Governor, her 1000 percent profit on cattle futures during that time (insider trading?), complicity in White Water, she didn't know her husband was a philanderer, as a feminist she accepted huge donations from Saudi Arabia (a country that punished a gang-raped woman with public lashing because she was in a car with a man that was not her husband), destroyed e-mail of State business on her personal server, allowed the deaths of an ambassador and three other Americans during her tenure as Secretary of State; remember her "It just doesn't matter" testimony?

If you have a little curiosity, research "The Clinton Murder Trail" on your computer. If you were employed in the mid-90s with employer-sponsored medical insurance, then you know what happened with your co-pays and deductibles after Hillary's lobbying for health care "improvements."

There is more than space allows about Hillary's past. The question is: Can you trust Clinton? Or, will you be the Jonathan Gruber type of voter?

Peter L. Williamson
