BOCC meeting was a sad experience


I went to the Clark County Board of Councilors meeting on Jan. 12. What a sad experience that was. Hearing what the various Clark County elected officials had to say about the proposal to reduce the taxes was sad, very sad to say the least.

I know now that not one of them will ever get my vote. The  public testimony for and against the tax reduction given was 10 for the reduction, six to repeal. While giving testimony I asked if any member of the board had kept a record of the vote. No one kept a record and not one of them cared enough to ask the results – another example of elected people not representing the people of the county.

Their vote really showed what was important in their eyes – Marc Boldt’s vendetta against David Madore. Needless to say, Marc and the J & J girls again voted against everything put in by the M & M boys. Brace yourselves. This is the start of more taxes, more fees, more money for the  government bureaucrats to spend. More taxes against the vote of the people.

Yes, are we not lucky to live in the land of the ...        

Dave Alt
