County commissioners need to stop suing C-TRAN


In response to your (Feb. 4) editorial on C-TRAN, I believe the Clark County Board of Commissioners needs to “stop suing C-TRAN.” It’s time to wake “and smell the coffee, folks.”

Between 6-6:30 a.m., traffic congestion fills up our roadways to a complete stop. Watch the morning news on KOIN, Channel 6.

While everyone fights over the Columbia River crossing and light rail, they neglected to solve the short-term problems of traffic congestion on both bridges.

Every June, when school gets out, they’re going to run for the Portland area  fireworks. The more delays in solving these problems, the more Portland area will go from the 7th worst traffic congestion next to Washington D.C., which is number two. Portland will end up at number three.

Buses and carpooling are needed to relieve traffic congestion and more e-commerce opportunities in Southwest Washington.

Also fix up the train station in Vancouver and use it for passenger rail.

Dale Chambers
