Port of Vancouver officials could have taken the high road


With each major step forward human civilization has made, naysayers come forward in an attempt to prevent change. Remember when the world was flat? According to history books, belief in a flat world among the educated was almost nonexistent, but the uneducated saw Columbus set sail, saw other ships disappear over the horizon, and convinced themselves the vessels had fallen off the earth.

And so it is with those who refuse to accept the proven science of climate change. If there is anyone left in the future to study the past in which we now live, those students will learn how, in spite of overwhelming scientific evidence, many people of our era held continued the promotion of, and profited from, the fossil fuels proven to be major contributors to our atmosphere’s failure.

A valuable resource to our community, the Port of Vancouver, could have taken the high road, joined in the educated voices of our community that know the time has come to stop supporting the use of fossil fuel. But instead, the Port has demonstrated their preference for profits over community, science and atmospheric health.

Is there no way for this horrible decision to be undone? For all our sakes, including the community’s relationship with the Port, I sincerely hope not.

Marjorie Casswell
