A tongue-in-cheek look at the atheist viewpoint


I agree with Dave Norris and other atheists when they want to get rid of all this Christianity in our culture. It's bad enough a guy can’t drive down the street without being annoyed by all their orphanages, hospitals, colleges, Boystown, Mother Teresa-types trying to help the sick, pregnancy counseling, relief funds for the hungry and homeless and always trying to save people from hell, it's a bit much.  Are there no prisons, are there no workhouses?  

By contrast, atheists have given us Nazism, Communism, abortion, Dr. Kevorkian and Rosie O'Donnell. So in the interests of multiculturalism and being broad minded, I think it's high time we gave serious thought to getting rid of Christianity and instituting Sharia Law.

Now hear me out, I realize a few heads will have to be lopped off for being infidels and atheists and most of Hollywood will be stoned for adultery, but that will help in population control so it will have an immediate benefit,  besides they make lousy movies.  

If women can’t drive then we won’t have all the traffic jams, our insurance rates will go down and that benefits everybody. It's a win-win.  Also, we won't have to worry about those stubborn flower shops, bakeries and pizza joints because – “you know who’’ – won't be around anymore.  

I agree with the president, "Isis has legitimate grievances" and also with Hillary Clinton when she said "we must empathize with them." Yes, it must be exhausting cutting heads off all day long.  I'm sure with proper education, nutrition and a job they will come to love us – in their own special way.

And, with no more Christianity,  Dave Norris will finally be happy … but I doubt it.

Tom Regan

Battle Ground